Pregnant! Probably around 9 months here. My relatively small bump was a sign of the small baby that was to come.
Chloe Joowon Lee, Born May 13, 2010 at 9:11 p.m. 5 lb 11 oz (2.545 kg), 49 cm. Kevin was an awesome partner during the whole labour process!
May (Week 1/2). still a beloved skinny alien. ;)
May (Week 2)... pre-3 week growth spurt. Kevin and I were still learning the ropes. My mom was such a big help during these 3 weeks, cooking, taking care of Chloe while I napped, being a friend.
June (Week 3). Post-growth spurt. Became a little michelin baby!
July (2 months). Was smilier and more responsive.
August (3 months). Started to hold her head up better.

August (3 months). 100 day party. A baby milestone in Korean culture.
September (4 months). With some of her biggest fans. :)
More Month 4.
October (5 months). Our first family retreat. Chloe did splendidly and we got to join in on most of the worship and programs.
October Thanksgiving weekend (5 months). New York Trip! First airplane ride and visit to the Big Apple.
October (5 months). Got a head start on solids. First spoon-fed meal: Rice cereal. Daddy finally got to get in on the action with feeding.
October (5 months). Chloe's first Halloween!
More Month 5.
November (6 months). Got all dressed up for Linda and Danny's wedding.
November (6 months). Fall colours with mommy and daddy.
December (7 months). Became so much more active and alert. Fully able to laugh, sit, express her likes and dislikes.