So, the number one question I get asked lately is...
"How's married life?"
I know I've asked this question myself many times before as well, and still find myself asking that very question to my newlywed friends, even though I know most of the times I'll get a generic answer back, which is the kind I find myself giving too.
"It's great! I like it!"
"It's easier than I thought. So far."
"It's good... most of the time."
While I know some people ask this question expecting a generic answer (you know, like when people ask "how are you?" without expecting you to really tell them how crappy it is that you were late to work this morning for the second time this week because you slept past your subway stop and therefore missed the 8:56 bus and had to wait for the 9:12 one, not to mention the paper cut you just got between your thumb and index finger), some people really want to know. Usually people who are single, I suppose.
Although no, I think as a married person now, I'm still very curious how other people's newlywed experiences are. Comparing notes? Aha. At his very moment I can hear in my head my husband saying "Jenn, we shouldn't compare ourselves with other people. We are who we are. Who cares about what other people are like?" Which is very true and wise. Something I like about my husband.
Anyways, this blog entry is about sharing a few specific answers to that question.
"How is married life?"
1. Well, I really enjoy having my own home to decorate, clean, make cozy, etc. It's great to add little touches to the place you share with your spouse. Each addition comes attached with a memory that you can chuckle about later on.
2. We save on gas and time! No more driving back and forth from my parents' house to his place. We can take one car to our mutual engagements (more of them now) and he can also use my fuel-efficient corolla as opposed to his gas-chugging pathfinder.
3. You realize that you're probably gonna feel like you're fighting about the same thing all the time. "Not this again?" In other words, most arguments (big or small), regardless of what the actual disagreement is about, kinda revert to the same issues. Sometimes these issues are elusive and unnameable, but I'm guessing with time you learn more and more to recognize them and deal with them. But the good times far outweigh the bad times, fo' sho'.
4. I'm slowly learning to cook! Kevin has been very supportive and helpful. Also much thanks to maangchi on youtube (or visit who shows you how to cook korean dishes and makes it look easy.
Oh dear, lots of words again. No pictures to compensate today. Sorry...
'till next time, :)
im so proud of you unni
ReplyDeletereally look up to you! way to set an example for me to follow. heeheee :)
Good job, I'm excited for you. I guess I ask you that all the time, but yes, us unmarried people are wondering what it's REALLY like...