Thursday, March 18, 2010

not being able to sleep...

Observation #15: Having a cold + Being 31 weeks pregnant = no sleep

I've very rarely had trouble sleeping and have been told by so many that I should enjoy my sleep now (since it'll be greatly lacking in about 9 weeks), but here I am, up at midnight not able to shut my brain off. The combination of a stuffy nose, sore throat and increasing discomfort to my back no matter which way I lie down means I'd rather be up than trying to coax sleep to visit me... it's been two nights now that I haven't been able to rest the way I want to, but hopefully this will be the last night.

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off, which means I can sleep in. Though at the same time, it's sad to think I only have 2 more weeks of work left... So many changes will be happening in the next few months. I'll have to blog about that another day.

Well, I guess I'll just surf around the net for random things until my eyelids can't stay up anymore. I hope that's soon...


  1. awww...poor mama! being tired and not being able to sleep is the worst :(
    did you try drinking warm milk? :S
    hope you are feeling a bit better, i can't wait to see you, touch your chloe bump, and plaaaaay at your house :D
    saranghae, my radiant sisters!

  2. Hey sweets!
    Boo for pregnancy insomnia. I spent the last 6 weeks of pregnancy on the couch (insomnia + heartburn). I hope your final weeks come with unexpected comfort and familiarity with your ever-growing girth! And do try milk (or myarchi) ... apparently not having enough calcium can aggravate insomnia.
    Can't wait to meet the little one!
    - Miranda
